You are not what you could be ...
... and you know it.
You can have it all. You can be in love, you can look great, feel great and you can succeed in your career.
But an amazing life doesn’t happen by accident - one doesn’t just stumble across it. You must first visualise it, then work for it and once you get it, you have to work to retain it.
About Me.
I began the long journey towards my version of a “good life” at 16, when I left Odesa in Ukraine for the UK, gaining my Bachelor's and Master's degrees. I then started my corporate career at 22, which put me in front of hundreds of the most successful men and women in the city of London.
I was shocked to find that most of them were unable to strike the right balance. Many times, they had narrow success in one area of life, but the rest was a mess. Some earned millions of pounds a year but had no love in their life; others had a great family life but looked and felt terrible.
Fast forward 6 years and I found myself sought after as an advisor to those who wanted to transform themselves – to look and feel better; to love better. Now I devote myself full-time to helping others achieve their best – as a coach, a guide, a trusted fresh set of eyes of someone who has been there.
MSc Psychology and Neuroscience of Mental Health
King’s College London
MSc Marketing, Strategy and Innovation
CASS Business School
Psychology Course
University of Oxford
BA Business and Finance
University of Exeter